List of types of killing
Killing of self
- Suicide – intentional killing of self.
- Autocide – suicide by automobile.
- Medicide – a suicide accomplished with the aid of a physician.
- Murder-suicide – a suicide committed immediately after one or more murders.
- Self-immolation – suicide as a form of protest, often by fire
- Suicide by cop – acting in a threatening manner so as to provoke a lethal response from law enforcement.
All of these are considered types of homicide.
Killing of family- Avunculicide - the act of killing an uncle. (Avunculus being Latin for uncle, specifically a maternal uncle)
- Familicide – is a multiple-victim homicide where a killer's spouse and children are slain.(Familia being Latin for family)
- Filicide – the act of a parent killing his or her son or daughter. (Filius being Latin for son)
- Fratricide – the act of killing a brother, also in military context death by friendly fire. (Frater being Latin for brother)
- Geronticide – the abandonment of the elderly to die, commit suicide or be killed. See also Senicide.
- Honour killing – the act of killing a family member who has or was perceived to have brought disgrace to the family.
- Infanticide – the act of killing a child within the first year of its life.
- Mariticide – the act of killing one's husband.
- Matricide – the act of killing one's mother. (Mater being Latin for mother)
- Neonaticide – the act of killing an infant within the first twenty-four hours or month (varies by individual and jurisdiction) of its life.
- Nepoticide – the act of killing one's nephew
- Parricide – (also parenticide) the killing of one's mother or father or other close relative.
- Patricide – the act of killing of one's father. (Pater being Latin for father)
- Prolicide – the act of killing one's own children.
- Senicide – the killing of one's elderly family members when they can no longer work or become a burden. (Senex being Latin for old man)
- Siblicide – the killing of an infant individual by its close relatives (full or half siblings)
- Sororicide – the act of killing one's sister.(Soror being Latin for sister)
- Uxoricide – the act of killing one's wife (Uxor being Latin for wife)
- Amicicide – the act of killing a friend. ("Amicus" being Latin for friend)
- Androcide – the systematic killing of men.
- Capital punishment – the judicial killing of a human being for crimes.
- Casualty (person) – death (or injury) in wartime.
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